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至今      西南大学家蚕基因组生物学国家重点实验室  教授

2012.04-2018.06  西南大学家蚕基因组生物学国家重点实验室  副研究员

2017.07-2017.09  澳大利亚西澳大学分子科学学院  学术发展计划

2010.01-2012.07  美国耶鲁大学生态学与进化发育生物学系  博士后

2008.07-2010.01  重庆大学农学与生命科学研究院  讲师


2003.09-2008.06  西南大学蚕学与系统生物学研究所  研究生/博士学位

1999.09-2003.06  西南农业大学蚕学与生物技术学院  蚕学专业  本科/学士学位

2001.07-2003.06  西南农业大学经济管理学院工商管理专业  本科/学士学位




3. 昆虫比较基因组:利用生物信息学、基因组、转录组、功能基因组、基因编辑等手段,研究昆虫基因-发育-进化等生命本质,鉴定鳞翅目害虫生物防控的理想靶标。



主持国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目、面上项目、青年项目等项目10余项,主研863课题、国家自科重点和面上项目、产业体系岗位、美国国家自然科学基金(NSF)项目等高层次课题;在Nature CommunicationsDevelopmentCurr Opin Genet DevPLoS GeneticsInt. J. Mol. SciJBCGenetics等国际期刊发表SCI论文70余篇。担任重庆市蚕丝学会、遗传学会理事,国外在线学术刊物PCI Entomology编委。受邀作国际学术报告10余场。国家蚕桑产业技术体系岗位科学家,入选全国农业科研杰出人才培养计划、重庆市青年科技人才培养计划、重庆市青年骨干教师。获重庆市教学竞赛三等奖、教学成果三等奖,西南大学教学比赛一等奖、教学成果一等奖、青年教师成才奖、优秀班主任、优秀教师等奖励。


1. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,家蚕优异性状遗传解析及其调控机理,2021.01-2024.12,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,家蚕雌不育无脚突变ap的分子解析及其基因调控研究,2015.01-2018.12,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,家蚕翅特异型鳌虾蛹(cf)突变的分子机理研究,2010.01-2012.12,主持

4. 农业农村部农业科研杰出人才培养项目,2021.09-2026.12,主持

5. 重庆市茧丝绸发展项目,优异人工饲料摄食性家蚕育种素材的分子创制,2020.07-2021.06,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,家蚕茧丝优良性状的遗传基础及调控机制研究,2019.01-2023.12,主研   

7. 重庆市茧丝绸发展项目,基于基因编辑的可免烘茧家蚕育种新素材创建及其性能评价,2019.07-2020.06,主持

8. 重庆市高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划,家蚕卵巢特异表达新基因Shx的功能及启动子鉴定,2016.09-2018.09,主持

9. 国家茧丝绸发展专项资金项目,食用蛹优质蚕品种筛选培育及应用试验,2015.07-2016.06,主持   

10. 西南大学引进人才项目,HOX基因对家蚕变态发育的分子调控机制研究,2015.01-2017.12,主持

11. 重庆市青年科技人才培养计划,家蚕不育系apodal的致病机理及应用基础研究,2014.12-2017.10,主持

12. 863计划课题,家蚕驯化性状的功能基因组研究,2013.01-2017.12,主研

13. 中央高校基本科研业务费重大培育项目,鳞翅目模式昆虫Hox基因家族的分子进化研究,2013.01-2015.12,主持

14. 农业部国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项,CARS-18-ZJ0102,蚕桑产业技术体系育种技术与方法岗位科学家团队,2017.01-2020.12,主研

15. 美国国家自然科学基金(NSF)项目,A butterfly for all seasons: physiological mechanisms underlying plasticity in sexual ornaments and behaviors in Bicyclus anynana2012.2.1-2015.1.31主研

代表性论文:(* 通讯作者)

(1) Tong, X.*; Han, M. J.; Lu, K.; Tai, S.; Liang, S.; Liu, Y.; Hu, H.; Shen, J.; Long, A.; Zhan, C.; Ding, X.; Liu, S.; Gao, Q.; Zhang, B.; Zhou, L.; Tan, D.; Yuan, Y.; Guo, N.; Li, Y. H.; Wu, Z.; Liu, L.; Li, C.; Lu, Y.; Gai, T.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, R.; Qian, H.; Liu, Y.; Luo, J.; Zheng, L.; Lou, J.; Peng, Y.; Zuo, W.; Song, J.; He, S.; Wu, S.; Zou, Y.; Zhou, L.; Cheng, L.; Tang, Y.; Cheng, G.; Yuan, L.; He, W.; Xu, J.; Fu, T.; Xiao, Y.; Lei, T.; Xu, A.; Yin, Y.; Wang, J.; Monteiro, A.; Westhof, E.; Lu, C.*; Tian, Z.*; Wang, W.*; Xiang, Z.*; Dai, F*. High-resolution silkworm pan-genome provides genetic insights into artificial selection and ecological adaptation. Nature communications 2022, 13, 5619.

(2) Zou, Y. L.; Ding, X.; Zhang, L.; Xu, L. F.; Liang, S. B.; Hu, H.; Dai, F. Y.; Tong, X. L*. Bmmp influences wing morphology by regulating anterior-posterior and proximal-distal axis development. Insect science 2022.

(3) Zhang, B.; Li, C.; Luan, Y.; Lu, Y.; Hu, H.; Liu, Y.; Lu, K.; Zhang, G.; Dai, F.; Tong, X*. The Role of Chitooligosaccharidolytic beta-N-Acetylglucosamindase in the Molting and Wing Development of the Silkworm Bombyx mori. International journal of molecular sciences 2022, 23.

(4) Ye, Z. F.; Zhang, P.; Gai, T. T.; Lou, J. H.; Dai, F. Y.; Tong, X. L*. Sob gene is critical to wing development in Bombyx mori and Tribolium castaneum. Insect science 2022, 29, 65-77.

(5) Fang, C.; Xin, Y.; Sun, T.; Monteiro, A.; Ye, Z.; Dai, F.; Lu, C.; Tong, X*. The Hox gene Antennapedia is essential for wing development in insects. Development 2022, 149.

(6) Zou, Y. L.; Ye, A. J.; Liu, S.; Wu, W. T.; Xu, L. F.; Dai, F. Y.; Tong, X. L*. Expansion of targetable sites for the ribonucleoprotein-based CRISPR/Cas9 system in the silkworm Bombyx mori. BMC Biotechnol 2021, 21, 54.

(7) Tong, X.*; Qiao, L.; Luo, J.; Ding, X.; Wu, S. The evolution and genetics of lepidopteran egg and caterpillar coloration. Current opinion in genetics & development 2021, 69, 140-146.

(8) Luo, J. W.; An, E. X.; Lu, Y. R.; Yang, L.; Gai, T. T.; He, S. Z.; Wu, S. Y.; Hu, H.; Li, C. L.; Lu, C.; Tong, X. L.*; Dai, F. Y*. Molecular basis of the silkworm mutant re(l) causing red egg color and embryonic death. Insect science 2021, 28, 1290-1299.

(9) Liu, L.; Zhang, P.; Gao, Q.; Feng, X.; Han, L.; Zhang, F.; Bai, Y.; Han, M.; Hu, H.; Dai, F.; Zhang, G.; Tong, X*. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Reveals bmo-miR-6497-3p Regulate Circadian Clock Genes during the Embryonic Diapause Induction Process in Bivoltine Silkworm. Insects 2021, 12.

(10) Fang, C.; Ye, Z.; Gai, T.; Lu, K.; Dai, F.; Lu, C.; Tong, X*. DIA-based proteome reveals the involvement of cuticular proteins and lipids in the wing structure construction in the silkworm. Journal of proteomics 2021, 238, 104155.

(11) Westhof, E.; Liang, S.; Tong, X.; Ding, X.; Zheng, L.; Dai, F. Unusual tertiary pairs in eukaryotic tRNA-Ala. Rna 2020.

(12) Luo, J. W.; An, E. X.; Lu, Y. R.; Yang, L.; Gai, T. T.; He, S. Z.; Wu, S. Y.; Hu, H.; Li, C. L.; Lu, C.; Tong, X. L.*; Dai, F. Y.* Molecular basis of the silkworm mutant re(l) causing red egg color and embryonic death. Insect science 2020.

(13) Lu, K.; Liang, S.; Han, M.; Wu, C.; Song, J.; Li, C.; Wu, S.; He, S.; Ren, J.; Hu, H.; Shen, J.; Tong, X.*; Dai, F.* Flight Muscle and Wing Mechanical Properties are Involved in Flightlessness of the Domestic Silkmoth, Bombyx mori. Insects 2020, 11.

(14) Li, C.; Tong, X.(co-first author); Zuo, W.; Hu, H.; Xiong, G.; Han, M.; Gao, R.; Luan, Y.; Lu, K.; Gai, T.; Xiang, Z.; Lu, C.; Dai, F. The beta-1, 4-N-acetylglucosaminidase 1 gene, selected by domestication and breeding, is involved in cocoon construction of Bombyx mori. PLoS genetics 2020, 16, e1008907.

(15) Gai, T.; Tong, X.*(co-first author); Han, M.; Li, C.; Fang, C.; Zou, Y.; Hu, H.; Xiang, H.; Xiang, Z.; Lu, C.; Dai, F. Cocoonase is indispensable for Lepidoptera insects breaking the sealed cocoon. PLoS genetics 2020, 16, e1009004.

(16) Wang, H.; Hu, H.; Xiang, Z.; Lu, C.; Dai, F.; Tong, X.* Identification and characterization of a new long noncoding RNA iab-1 in the Hox cluster of silkworm, Bombyx mori identification of iab-1. Journal of cellular biochemistry 2019.

(17) Song, J.; Chen, M.; Li, Z.; Zhang, J.; Hu, H.; Tong, X.*; Dai, F.* Astragalus Polysaccharide Extends Lifespan via Mitigating Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori. Aging Dis 2019, 10, 1187-1198.

(18) Ding, X.; Liu, J.; Zheng, L.; Song, J.; Li, N.; Hu, H.; Tong, X.*; Dai, F*. Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Profiling of Wnt Family Genes in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori. International journal of molecular sciences 2019, 20.

(19) Wang, R. X.; Tong, X. L.(co-first author); Gai, T. T.; Li, C. L.; Qiao, L.; Hu, H.; Han, M. J.; Xiang, Z. H.; Lu, C.; Dai, F. Y*. A serine protease homologue Bombyx mori scarface induces a short and fat body shape in silkworm. Insect molecular biology 2018.

(20) Tong, X. L.; Fang, C. Y.; Gai, T. T.; Shi, J.; Lu, C.; Dai, F. Y. [Applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 system in insects]. Yi chuan = Hereditas / Zhongguo yi chuan xue hui bian ji 2018, 40, 266-278.

(21) Tong, X.; Liang, P.; Wu, S.; Li, Y.; Qiao, L.; Hu, H.; Xiang, Z.; Lu, C.; Dai, F*. Disruption of PTPS Gene Causing Pale Body Color and Lethal Phenotype in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori. International journal of molecular sciences 2018, 19.

(22) Bhardwaj, S.; Prudic, K. L.; Bear, A.; Dasgupta, M.; Wasik, B. R.; Tong, X. L.; Cheong, W. F.; Wenk, M. R.; Monteiro, A*. Sex Differences in 20-Hydroxyecdysone Hormone Levels Control Sexual Dimorphism in Bicyclus anynana Wing Patterns. Molecular biology and evolution 2018, 35, 465-472.

(23) Xiong, G.; Tong, X.(co-first author); Gai, T.; Li, C.; Qiao, L.; Monteiro, A.; Hu, H.; Han, M.; Ding, X.; Wu, S.; Xiang, Z.; Lu, C.; Dai, F*. Body Shape and Coloration of Silkworm Larvae Are Influenced by a Novel Cuticular Protein. Genetics 2017, 207, 1053-1066.

(24) Wang, H.; Tong, X.(co-first author); Liu, M.; Hu, H.; Li, Z.; Xiang, Z.; Dai, F.; Lu, C. Fine Mapping of a Degenerated Abdominal Legs Mutant (Edl) in Silkworm, Bombyx mori. PloS one 2017, 12, e0169224.

(25) Tong, X. L.; Fu, M. Y.; Chen, P.; Chen, L.; Xiang, Z. H.; Lu, C.; Dai, F. Y. Ultrabithorax and abdominal-A specify the abdominal appendage in a dosage-dependent manner in silkworm, Bombyx mori. Heredity 2017.

(26) Tong, X.; He, S. The Hox genes and body plan of silkworm, Bombyx mori. Mechanisms of development 2017, 145, S81.

(27) Tan, D.; Tong, X. L.(co-first author); Hu, H.; Wu, S. Y.; Li, C. L.; Xiong, G.; Xiang, Z. H.; Dai, F. Y.; Lu, C. Morphological characterization and molecular mapping of an irradiation-induced Speckled mutant in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect molecular biology 2016, 25, 93-104.

(28) Chen, P.; Tong, X. L.(co-first author); Fu, M. Y.; Hu, H.; Song, J. B.; He, S. Z.; Gai, T. T.; Dai, F. Y.; Lu, C. Molecular mapping and characterization of the silkworm apodal mutant. Sci Rep 2016, 6, 18956.

(29) Tong, X.; He, S.; Chen, J.; Hu, H.; Xiang, Z.; Lu, C.; Dai, F. A novel laminin beta gene BmLanB1-w regulates wing-specific cell adhesion in silkworm, Bombyx mori. Sci Rep 2015, 5, 12562.

(30) Monteiro, A.; Tong, X.; Bear, A.; Liew, S. F.; Bhardwaj, S.; Wasik, B. R.; Dinwiddie, A.; Bastianelli, C.; Cheong, W. F.; Wenk, M. R.; Cao, H.; Prudic, K. L. Differential Expression of Ecdysone Receptor Leads to Variation in Phenotypic Plasticity across Serial Homologs. PLoS genetics 2015, 11, e1005529.

(31) Tong, X.; Hrycaj, S.; Podlaha, O.; Popadic, A.; Monteiro, A. Over-expression of Ultrabithorax alters embryonic body plan and wing patterns in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Developmental biology 2014, 394, 357-366.

(32) Chen, P.; Tong, X. L.(co-first author); Li, D. D.; Fu, M. Y.; He, S. Z.; Hu, H.; Xiang, Z. H.; Lu, C.; Dai, F. Y. Antennapedia is involved in the development of thoracic legs and segmentation in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Heredity 2013, 111, 182-188.

(33) Tong, X.; Lindemann, A.; Monteiro, A. Differential involvement of Hedgehog signaling in butterfly wing and eyespot development. PloS one 2012, 7, e51087.

(34) Dai, F. Y.; Qiao, L.; Tong, X. L.(co-first author); Cao, C.; Chen, P.; Chen, J.; Lu, C.; Xiang, Z. H. Mutations of an arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase, Bm-iAANAT, are responsible for silkworm melanism mutant. J Biol Chem 2010, 285, 19553-19560.

(35) Tong, X. L.; Dai, F. Y.; Su, M. K.; Ma, Y.; Tan, D.; Zhang, Z.; He, N. J.; Xia, Q. Y.; Lu, C.; Xiang, Z. H. Identification and expression of the achaete-scute complex in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect molecular biology 2008, 17, 395-404.







本研究组与新加坡国立大学Antonia Monterio教授,国际著名分子生物学家、法国/德国/欧洲科学院三院院士Eric Westhof教授等国外团队建立了长期合作关系。

